Where Does Vanilla Come From? Discover LittlePod's Real Vanilla

Did you know that 97% of the “vanilla” used in the West is artificial?

LittlePod’s Campaign for Real Vanilla shines a light on the difference between artificial vanilla, derived from petrochemicals used in the wood-pulping industry, and real vanilla, a complex product of nature.

What is “fake” vanilla?

In the West, most people are familiar with vanilla essence. This synthetic product, created through industrial processes, contains only vanillin, a single compound that imparts scent but little else.

It’s inexpensive and easy to obtain—costing mere pennies per bottle.

So, what is real vanilla?

True vanilla extract comes from the vanilla orchid, a plant that thrives in tropical rainforests. This complex ingredient contains over 250 beneficial compounds, offering a rich depth of flavor and a higher price tag of around £15 or more.

It’s the second most expensive spice in the world, and the journey from vine to market is as challenging as it is rewarding.

Why does our perception of value need a reality check?

In 2010, experts warned that real vanilla could vanish within a generation without intervention. The scarcity of natural vanilla means rising costs. If people don’t buy it, farmers won’t grow it. Vanilla prices fluctuate wildly; when prices are high, more farmers plant vanilla, but when prices dip, they often abandon it.

Most surprising of all, vanilla is an orchid. Out of more than 35,000 orchid species, only vanilla produces an edible seed pod. It grows exclusively in a narrow belt 23 degrees north and south of the equator, requiring hand-pollination when natural pollinators are absent.

From planting to harvest, the process takes five years, and countless things can go wrong along the way. With such a fragile crop, some farmers opt to clear their land for more profitable crops like palm oil.
The vanilla trade is fraught with risks.

Theft is common, and in places like Madagascar—where 80% of the world’s vanilla is grown—farmers face threats to their livelihoods and lives. Extreme weather events only add to the uncertainty, as cyclones and storms frequently devastate crops. In 2017, a cyclone ravaged Madagascar, reducing the supply of vanilla and sending prices skyward. Another storm hit earlier this year, again slashing yields in half.

How does LittlePod navigate these challenges?

The risks are real and persistent, but so is LittlePod’s commitment to farmers. Since 2012, we’ve cultivated a vanilla orchard in Bali in collaboration with Dr. Made Setiawan.

This partnership began as a dream to resurrect Made’s family farm, which had fallen into disrepair after Indonesia’s government diverted farmers to other crops. Today, our orchard is a living testament to trust and sustainability.

We know our farmers by name and promise to buy what they grow. It’s all based on mutual respect and shared goals.

Why is growing with nature the key to resilience?

Inspired by the rainforest’s ecosystem, Made set up a polyculture farm where vanilla climbs coconut, coffee, and cacao trees. This natural approach not only enhances soil health but also promotes biodiversity.

Planting vanilla within a hectare of regenerative forest can yield more biodiversity than any other crop, giving farmers a safety net beyond vanilla alone.

What’s the future for real vanilla? Is it still at risk?

The Campaign for Real Vanilla isn’t just about preserving a spice; it’s about education. Today, 97% of vanilla in the West is artificial, but if we can shift even 1% of that market to real vanilla, we could double global demand for natural vanilla.

This is a story not just about flavor but about the people behind the spice. Their livelihoods, communities, and forests are all tied to the choices we make in our kitchens.

As we build awareness, the future grows brighter. Last year, LittlePod received the King’s Award for Sustainable Development for its groundbreaking work in polyculture planting.

By sharing these stories, we hope to inspire a more mindful approach to food and to create a lasting impact—one that you can see, smell, and most deliciously, taste.

Shop Real Vanilla

Littlepod Pure Vanilla Paste, 100ml

This Littlepod vanilla paste is a natural flavouring made from Madagascan bourbon vanilla pods. Each tube is bursting with extracts from at least 20 pods, making it a super ingredient for sponges, custards and ice creams.

Littlepod Pure Vanilla Extract, 100ml

This Littlepod bourbon vanilla extract is a natural flavouring made from Madagascan bourbon vanilla pods, used in sponges, custards and ice creams.

Unlike single-compound, artificial essences, this bourbon vanilla extract consists of 250 natural compounds, resulting in depth and complexity. While most vanilla extracts have sugar-syrup bases, Littlepod’s bourbon vanilla is mixed with a small amount of alcohol which evaporates during cooking, leaving clean flavours suitable in both savoury and sweet dishes. 


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