Baldwins Sarsaparilla, 1 litre
Baldwins sarsaparilla is a sweet soft drink, traditionally made from Smilax plants. Sarsaparilla is similar in flavour to root beer, with a refreshing finish. Baldwins has been producing this cordial since 1844 when it was originally served in pie and mash shops in London’s East End. To enjoy Baldwins sarsaparilla, dilute one part cordial with four parts water. Top up with extra water if you like a less sweet drink.
Product formulations and details may change. For the latest ingredients and allergen information always check product packaging prior to consumption. Ingredients: Water, Sugar, Acids (Citric Acid, Acetic Acid), Colour (Sulphite Ammonia Caramel), Flavourings (including Sarsaparilla extract), Preservative (Potassium Sorbate), Sweetener (Sodium Saccharin).
Size: 1l
Best before: 31 December 25
SKU: WA0070
Minimum shelf life: 1 month
Alcohol-Free Drinks Caribbean Food & Ingredients Cocktail Ingredients Soft Drinks
Delivery Option | Price |
EVRi ? | £4.50 or FREE for orders over £60 |
DPD Express ? | £7 or FREE for orders over £100 |
DPD Signature Required ? | £7 or FREE for orders over £60 |
DPD Saturday or Sunday ? | £9 or FREE for orders over £150 |
These summary details have been prepared for information purposes only, and are designed to enhance your shopping experience on the Sous Chef website. While we have taken care in preparing this summary and believe it is accurate, it is not a substitute for your reading the product packaging and label prior to use. You should note that products and their ingredients are subject to change.