Donna Wilson Bouquet Garni Mug


Donna Wilson’s bouquet garni mug is a riot of colour and abstract shapes. Whether you’re a herbal tea drinker or a coffee connoisseur, you’ll be sipping in style with this hand-painted mug.

The colourful watercolour design is inspired by the plants, flowers and herbs growing in Donna’s own garden. Every mug is painted by hand, so each one is unique. This cheerful mug is a playful addition to your mug collection and an ideal gift for food lovers and keen gardeners.

Matching dinner and side plates are available to create a stylish dining set.

100% stoneware. Dishwasher, microwave and oven safe.

About Donna Wilson

Donna Wilson is a British artist based in London. Over the years, her collection has expanded from playful knitted creatures to eye-catching homeware, clothing and accessories. Donna is renowned for her bold use of patterns and colours and for her love of nature and crafting. Each item is handmade and hand-painted by Donna and her talented team.