The Bureau of Taste

Emiko Davies

  • Onigiri - Filled Rice Balls

    Onigiri - Filled Rice Balls

    by Emiko Davies
    • Easy

  • Emiko Davies On The Japanese Food Of Her Childhood

    Emiko Davies On The Japanese Food Of Her Childhood

    by Emiko Davies
  • Hojicha Ice Cream - Hojicha Aisukurimu

    Hojicha Ice Cream - Hojicha Aisukurimu

    by Emiko Davies
    • Easy

Australian-Japanese cook and writer Emiko Davies has lived in many countries across the world. Her home is currently between Florence and Pisa, where she hosts cookery classes and workshops. She has written several cookbooks inspired by the food of Florence and Tuscany. And her latest book Gohan is an exploration of the Japanese recipes of her childhood.