Valrhona Strawberry & Ivoire Tartlets Recipe

Use Valrhona's exclusive strawberry couverture chips to make these beautiful tartlets – including intense real strawberry flavour, without compromising the texture of your ganache.

This recipe was created by Valrhona.

Valrhona Strawberry Inspiration & Ivoire Tartlets Recipe

Ingredients for the Almond Shortcrust Pastry Serves: 15

Ingredients for the Ivoire Vanilla Namelaka

Ingredients for the Strawberry Whipped Ganache

Method for the Almond Shortcrust Pastry

  1. First mix the creamed butter, fine salt, icing sugar, ground almonds, egg and 60g of flour.
  2. As soon as the mixture is homogeneous, add 180g of flour in one go.
  3. Roll out the mixture between 2 plastic sheets, then cut out discs using a 4.5cm diameter cookie cutter and store in the freezer. Bake in the oven at 155°C for approx. 15 minutes.
© Speciality Cooking Supplies Limited 2025

Method for the Ivoire Vanilla Namelaka

  1. Heat the milk with the split and scraped vanilla pod. Soak then wring out the gelatine and add to the mixture. Gradually combine with the melted Ivoire 35%.
  2. Add the cold cream while stirring.
  3. Pour immediately into 2.5cm diameter half-sphere silicone moulds and freeze.
© Speciality Cooking Supplies Limited 2025

Method for the Strawberry Whipped Ganache

  1. Heat the strawberry purée along with the glucose and honey.
  2. Combine the mixture a little bit at a time with the melted Strawberry Couverture. Immediately mix using a hand blender to make a perfect emulsion.
  3. Add the cold cream then mix again.
  4. Store in the refrigerator and leave to set before using,
    ideally overnight.
© Speciality Cooking Supplies Limited 2025

Method for the assembly of the Strawberry Tartlets

  1. Once the almond shortcrust discs have baked and cooled, place a half-sphere of Ivoire 35% vanilla namelaka on top of each one. Beat the whipped ganache until its texture is soft and frothy, easy to pipe.
  2. Using a piping bag fitted with a fluted nozzle, decorate each half-sphere with some pretty piping.
  3. Store in the refrigerator for 3 hours before serving.
© Speciality Cooking Supplies Limited 2025

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  • Hi Elano. The shiny glaze is achieved by applying a finish, after piping the ganache. This finish is a product called ‘Absolu Cristal Neutral Glaze’ and is sprayed using a gun. I hope this helps!

    Isobel at Sous Chef on

  • Hello,
    The Valrhona Strawberry & Ivoire Tartlets Recipe looks wonderful. Have you any information about what was used to obtain the gleaming shiny finish over the ganache and biscuit base,
    Thank you

    Elano on

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